Dedication and enthusiasm in the development of technological solutions for optics

PRISMA is a cloud-based optics management software and features specific and differentiating features resulting from the high experience of F3M, a technology that is over 30 years old.

F3M, along with a team with high know-how resulting from ongoing work with industry players, has invested heavily in research and development facts that allow it to base its action on a solid foundation for this paradigm transition to the cloud.

The F3M team will continue to challenge each other every day in finding management solutions based on the latest technology to anticipate trends and integrate best practices in the industry.

E porque gostamos de estar entre os melhores, a F3M criou o software PRISMA (100% Web), para uma melhor gestão da sua ótica, a qualquer momento e qualquer lugar. 

“Effective management is the key to success, so we want opticians to have a unique tool to help them in this process.”

João Oliveira

Director | Corporate Business 

“Our focus is on the customer, managing your business and providing intuitive and agile solutions to perform these tasks.”

Hélder Amador

Senior Business Consultant​ 

“The goal is simplicity and speed in customer service and improving the user experience.”

Paulo Camacho

Team Lead

“We put on a fully web based platform what are the behaviors and responses that the user expects to facilitate their work.”

Carla Castro

Coordinator | Corporate Business

“Throughout the development process the focus was on obtaining an intuitive, well-performing and secure tool.”

Marcelo Fernandes

Software Developer

“Because the market increasingly needs quick and well-founded answers having a tool that can do it is the best ally for your business.”

Susana Amorim

Senior Services Consultant​

“F3M offers solutions that keep pace with market developments and help companies become even more competitive and efficient.”

Susana Durão

Director | Marketing and Sales

“To have time for what really matters Prisma is the ideal tool based on a panoply of features and excellent usability.”

Sónia Mendes

Senior Services Consultant​

“We approach the management of optics from a different perspective and develop a product based on the expectations and knowledge of the real needs of our users, in order to simplify and optimize their day to day work.”

João Cunha

UX/UI Designer ​

“PRISMA was developed with a focus on user experience, security and ease of access. PRISMA is within easy reach of an internet access.”

Nuno Machado

Senior Services Consultant​